General Questions
Q: How do I place an order?
A: Simply view the item you wish to purchase, select an appropriate size (if applicable) and click the ADD TO CART button. Follow the instructions and checkout. Please note that in order to purchase from us you will need to pay by credit/debit card.
Q: How can I view prices in other currencies? A: Click the currency button on the header to view and select your proffered currency (CAD, USD, NGN, GBP, EUR, JPY)
Q: Can I contact you by phone?
A: Contacting us via email at [email protected] enables us to respond to your queries more quickly and efficiently; however, if you would like to speak to someone directly then you can contact us by phone on +16474482878.
Q: Do you offer wholesale?
A: Yes we do. All wholesale enquiries should be made to [email protected].

Delivery Questions
Q: When will my order be dispatched?
A: Our warehouse dispatches all orders placed before 1pm on the same working day. Any orders placed after 1pm will dispatched on the next working day.
Q: How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
A: The expected delivery time for a standard order being shipped to a North American address is 5 - 10 working days.
Q: What will happen if I’m not in when you deliver my parcel?
A: The carrier will leave a card informing you that the delivery has been attempted. On this card will be instructions as to how to obtain your parcel.

Product Questions
Q: Can you provide further information about a product?
A: We try to include as much information as possible on each product page; however, if you require further details then you can either email us at [email protected] or call us on +16474482878.
Q: Where can I find products that are no longer available on your website?
A: If a product is no longer available on our website it probably means that it has now sold out.
Q: The product I ordered is now reduced so can you refund me the difference?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot advise you in advance of any price reductions or reimburse you the difference once you have placed an order.

Order Questions
Q: Which forms of payment do you accept?
A: We accept all major debit and credit cards.
Q: How can I change the delivery address of my order?
A: If you have already placed your order then please call us on +16474482878 and, if the order has not yet been dispatched, we can amend the delivery address.
Q: How do I return an item for an exchange or refund?
A: Please refer to our
Q: Do I have to pay for return postage?
A: We do not cover the cost of items that are returned for an exchange or refund. Please note that the item being returned is your responsibility until it reaches us and we recommend that you send the parcel using a tracked delivery service that insures you for the value of your goods.
Q: Do you refund the delivery charge for returned items?
A: We will only refund the delivery charge for returned items where the item has a defect or where the incorrect item was sent. In all other instances the delivery charge is non-refundable.
Q: When is my payment processed?
A: After your order has been submitted our systems immediately contact your bank or card issuer for authorization to take payment from your account. If authorized, you will receive an email within a few minutes confirming your order and payment will be taken shortly after. If there is an issue with your order then we will contact you by email. In the event that we are unable to resolve the issue and dispatch your order we will issue a full refund. Please note that some banks may still reserve your funds for a given period of time.
Q: What do I have to do if I have been refunded the wrong amount?
A: Regrettably mistakes can happen so if you think you have been refunded the wrong amount then please contact us on +16474482878 or [email protected] with your order number and the required refund amount.

Security Questions
Q: Are my personal and card details processed securely?
A: When you make a purchase with us, both your personal and card details are processed using the industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. This encrypts your data and ensures that nobody can read the information being sent between your computer and our website. When you enter the SSL enabled area of the website you will see a padlock at the bottom of your web browser and this means that the information you enter is protected.
Q: What is Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode?
A: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are services for Visa and MasterCard cardholders which provide a more secure shopping experience. The system requires the cardholder to provide a personal password when paying with their card online in much the same way as they would provide a PIN when making purchases on the High Street. For more information, please visit the Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode web pages.